Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Almost 26

A work in progress. A future billionaire (chuckles).
My age disqualifies me from the hunger games reaping, unfortunately. 
The number is almost at the edge of the calendar. And if it does, that would mean learning to buy hair dyes. 
Twenty-six years and wasted no second for regretting the people I've met. The wrong people. The wrong train rides which have drove me all the way here.
I am now traveling at a terminal velocity; a hovering Jonathan Livingston Seagull with dreams behind my wings. 
I am living the life I have always dreamed of. I hope and I pray. 
  1. I’ve learned to don’t give a fvck to people. You'll die early by pleasing the whole world.
  2. I know who my friends are. Who my REAL friends are. 
  3. I have learned to value those people who really matter to me.
  4. I value coffee shops and staying longer. I mean longer than those drunken master hours at the bar. 
  5. I see calories in every bottle of beer. And the box of chocolates. I see fitness first and not the fatness first.
  6. I’ve learned to stay subtle and perfectly calm at distraught people. Literally disturbed and frustrated. Basically learning to play violin out the troubled monsters beneath my bed.
  7. COFFEE makes the world go round. Not money.
  8. Love exists. God exists and so as true love coming from the ones you value the most.
  9. Good employees are under the wingspan of good bosses.
  10. I’ve learned not to give up on love.
  11. Use cellular phones versus smartphones. I missed the good old days of flip phones and Nokias. 
  12. Reading newspaper headlines. Not the entertainment section no more. 
  13. Take photos of memories. Not the usual selfie frenzy. Not anymore. 
  14. Travel a lot. Book early and backpack. 
  15. Travel with good friends. Travel with the ones I love. 
  16. Drink tea instead of soft drinks. 
  17. Getting lesser and lesser private messages via FB and IG. I am growing up. 
  18. do more efficient tasks via my own planner and google calendar. 
  19. Sleep during weekends. Or drink a good cup of coffee. 
  20. Smile at strangers. Being kind to random angels. 
  21. Walk often rather than take public transpo. 
  22. Get lost sometimes. 
  23. Appreciate the sea breeze versus suburban infested air. 
  24. Wake up early and drink a cup of good tasting coffee. 
  25. Talk with parents regarding life plans. 
  26. Fight for love

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