Thursday, February 18, 2016

Random life hacks at 26.

How are you doing lately? 
I hope you are doing perfectly perfect. Just kidding.
I am a 26 year old guy with so much of the simple unbelievable quotes now taking into live thrilling action.
Those quotes that have helped me cope up and live up to the life I’ve always wanted.
I am 26 years old soon.
I will be a billionaire at 30. (chuckles)
  1. People come and go
Indeed. There is no better candy wrapper to candy crush those who are destined for the drain. Drain those people whose footprints are meant to vanish.
  1. People are people
Indeed. People are people and you’re putting your head in a chopping board if you please the world. Please God instead, and the people you love the most.
  1. Never assume unless otherwise stated.
Legally and figuratively. Nothing beats the old way of saying I love you, and yet actions speak louder than words. Say I love you and I need you. Say thank you and that will save you and your precious neck from being vanquished.
Also, if you are not single, please learn to say sorry. This helps save you from a premature breakup.
  1. It’s better to give than to receive
Learn to give in. The universe takes the right tracking of all that goes out and it will multiply that a hundred fold. The bible exemplifies this and the sweetly mysterious power behind giving out to people in your life.
  1. What comes around goes around
Be kind to people. Be kind to your enemies because the wheel of fortune is never on break. It never will be. Those people who screwed you will one day be your best friend. I mean this and you will laugh on the floor.
  1. Happiness is a choice.
Choose to be happy. Smile at a wonderful sunset.
  1. Begin Again.
 Learn to start over. Appreciate the sunset-sunrise rhythm. Start over again and do the right things.
  1. Strike while the iron is hot.
 Every opportunity is a chance to learn something great! It’s a blank canvass with a million strokes destined to be for you. Worry less if it looks bad. Learn from it.
  1. Respect begets respect.
  1. Different strokes for different folks.
 Do your own thing. Sparkle while you’re still alive. Sparkle and twinkle if possible.
  1. It’s never the destination that matters, but the journey.
Drink your cup of coffee like how French women gnaw their food. Take it slow please and you will lose the chance to be a coffee-addict like me.
  1. Slowly but surely.
 Repeat until fade with number 11. Take it slow and you will thank me for pushing this to you. Life isn’t a race. It wasn’t destined to be a race, nor a survivor series. Take it slow.
  1. First love never dies.
It never will.
  1. Smile though your heart is aching.
Smile and it will take the pain away.
  1. It’s better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
Love like it’s your last.
  1. The eyes is the window of the soul.
 Your eyes is the ticket to the end of the rainbow.
  1. Always have a thankful heart
Give thanks with a grateful heart.
  1. Honor your father and your mother.
Biblically profound. Love them. Love yourself.
  1. Let Go and let God.
Let go and God will give you something bigger, brighter and bolder in return. I promise you that. He promises you that.
  1. There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same kind of love.
Lightning strikes full force. Love your family, love your siblings and love the partner that God gave you. Everything is a blessing.
  1. It’s raining cats and dogs.
Accept it. It does not forever rain, nor does it scorch you perpetually. The widest range of emotions makes us human. Perfectly human.
  1. Be a lover and a fighter.
What do you think? Be both. Be bold. Be a fighter. Be a lover who does not give up.
  1. Love brings us back to life.
Love brings forth rain to the flowers. It brings forth love to the weeds. God is love. And he loves you and me.
  1. Stay positive.
No more, no less. Stay positive and stay rooted to his promises. Stay tune to the sunset. Everything is gonna be alright.
  1. Laughter is the best medicine.
Laugh all you can. It is for free. Tax-free.
  1. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.
Thank you Lord for everything.

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